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Hi, I'm Rahul. I am currently pursuing a Master of Engineering Design in Product Design at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada. Prior to this, I worked as a Junior Manager in the Product & Marketing Design Team at Paytm, India's largest Fintech company.


Over the years, I have collaborated with multiple architecture and design firms, D2C companies, and have undertaken several freelance projects as well. I hold an Engineering degree and a Post-Graduate degree in Business Management.

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"Design isn't always good, bad, or ugly. Sometimes, it's just simple and so commonplace that it goes unnoticed.

That's what makes simple designs so impactful."

I have worked with

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What all I can do for you?

Identity Design

I develop compelling visual identities by understanding your core values, audience, and needs. Through extensive research and strategic use of colour, shapes, typography, and imagery, I create a story for the identity and provide branding materials that resonate and enhance your presence.

Print Design

I design engaging print materials that stand out. Whether it's billboards, brochures, or business cards, I combine creative layout techniques with compelling graphics to enhance your message and brand identity. I have experience with printing technologies and methods, enabling me to create the desired product.

Brand Design

I craft cohesive brand strategies that encapsulate your vision and mission. By aligning visuals, communication, perceived emotions, and experiences, I help strengthen your brand's presence and ensure consistency across all platforms.

Packaging Design

Packaging makes a consumer choose the product. I design packaging that not only protects but also effectively promotes your products with saved shelf space and logistic costs. By creating innovative and catchy designs, I ensure your products make a strong first impression on the shelf.

Product Design

I design products that balance aesthetics and functionality, focusing on your insights, challenges, and needs. Employing design thinking, I ensure that every design is desirable, feasible, and viable. Additionally, I consider the extreme cases and accessibility needs of your product.

Digital Design

I can design a variety of digital content, from compelling advertisements, newsletters, social media content and more. By adhering to W3C standards, I ensure high engagement, impactful visuals across all platforms and enhanced online presence. 

UI/UX Design

I create user-centric interfaces, prioritizing usability and aesthetics. By understanding your journey, pain points, and needs, and by employing iterative design with feedback loops, I ensure that your digital experiences are intuitive, accessible, and delightful.

Videos & Motion

I can develop engaging motion graphics and videos that capture and retain viewer attention. By integrating storytelling with visual effects, I deliver powerful content that enhances brand narratives and communicates key messages effectively.

What's my approach?

As an engineering graduate, I started off my career in graphic design as a freelancer. My passion for design helped me learn from every possible aspect. Being a self-taught designer, I could understand the 'how and why' of things deeply. Having worked at a packaging start-up, one of the best architectural firms in India (Morphogenesis), and India's biggest Unicorn Fintech (Paytm), drove me towards professional learning and exposure to a collaborative environment. My design approach is to blend innovation with desirability, feasibility, viability, and create designs that exceed user expectations.

Work Values


Collaborate. Collaborative approach.
Ownership. Own it.
Simple. Make it simple.
Think. Think first.
Ask. Ask questions.
Learn. Learn from everything.

Design Philosophy


Research. Gather insights.
Empathy. Understand user.
Create. Develop Ideas.
Iterate. Refine continuously.
Prototype. Build models.
Evaluate. Assess outcomes.

What's my education?

Master of Product Design - Product Design

2023 - 25

McMaster University, W Booth School of Engineering Practice

ON, Canada

PG Diploma in Business Management

2017 - 19

Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies

MH, India

Bachelor of Technology - Electronics & Communication

2012 - 16

Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University

DL, India

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